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Best Of Giveaway


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  On 4/15/2021 at 5:13 PM, Chloe said:


To celebrate the launch of the new website, and hitting 10k subs on YouTube recently, there's a new Giveaway, with 3 prizes of £100 on offer.

Entry is straightforward - Just comment below with your favourite moment from the Channel so far. It doesn't have to be anything in particular, just whatever you think is the best: big wins, near misses, funny moments, or epic meltdowns, whatever you want.

Entries are tiered depending on your response:

  • To gain 1 entry, comment below with your favourite moment
  • To gain 2 entries, comment below with your favourite moment and add a link to the video/stream the moment occurred
  • To gain 3 entries, comment below with your favourite moment and add a link to the video/stream with a timestamp to the moment occurring

Moments submitted for 2 or 3 entries should be unique to avoid entrants copying comments from before. First come first served, so if someone else has chosen your favourite moment - choose another, or else receive just one entry!

The moments chosen by you all will be added to a "Best Of..." video that will be published soon, and you'll receive a shout-out within the video. All entries will then be added to a wheel, where 3 winners will be chosen randomly to each win £100

The 3 winners will then be pitted against each other, with the best of the 3, voted for by you all, receiving a Hideous Slots Hoodie alongside the £100 prize.

Good luck!

Entries will close 22/04/21 at 5pm


I’ve really enjoyed the chipmonkz battles can’t believe Will still hasn’t got a picture of himself on chips wall lol

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Oh this is tricky. I've been watching since the start and there have been many great moments. Yes the pizza moment, of course. Lots of the skits - the whole chicken skit was great undersold humour. 

For me, the best moment was your video on Slingo though. Watching the dreadful drama unfold was just great! 🙂 Many more good moments to come I bet. 

Jim Dixon

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Hi guys, as much as it may pain Will to relive this meltdown moment, the last seconds of this video are in their own way epic!

  It proves to any doubters that Will is genuine and a true gambler and uses his own (and 2jags) money. Most gamblers have had more than a few of these moments (me particularly) but never on camera. A horse falling at the last to deny a yankee and a last second goal costing you a huge acca ,I've had em all 100 times.

Says a lot about Will that he was prepared to leave it on his video and include it in the title. Glad I subscribed and  I will continue to watch the great content he provides.



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Hi hideous and Chloe 🙂 

I must say the best video for me was when hideous got a huge win on reactioons... and he called his mum to see if she seen lol but no she didn’t and the look on his face was so disappointing 😂😂😂bless him 🙂 also loved when he broke his camera jumping around because of a huge win #priceless https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEZfcE9HdkE0bUtPWnVfODZyak94cHlpMDhWQXxBQ3Jtc0trS21PSmphTkNFeUZjRk1tV3lrbTAwaGRfU0hLVGpBNm5iRFpUbDZwY3dqRkR1MmlCSWtiM1VXZkRwdGJjb3dmMHZoV0c1akFhQ2Z0Y1lTWThya2Y0RGlNMGoxZnVDbV9QT0ZiZ2xwSDUtb25zVC02cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.twitch.tv%2Fhideous_slots

Edited by Abatters
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My favourite hideous moment was when he first discovered the ‘Spectacular’ slot, well over a year ago now I can’t even find the stream or a video with it in 😂 Think they were all over on twitch! Apart from that though my favourite hideous moment was discovering him way back at the end of 2019 when he started the new channel, found him hilarious from the start and have watched every video and the odd stream since! 

starting at 0:01 


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  On 4/18/2021 at 10:43 PM, leannee03 said:

Will hitting on Rick and Morty megaways and running across the screen and tripping over a wire and breaking his camera! 

Will playing morgarna megaways and swearing because it hit big😂


Haha yeah and then I had to end the stream because the camera was broken 😂

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For me its was from quite a while ago, when Will was doing the persona of DJ Spins and had a big hit and went crazy and forgot that he was DJ Spins, I couldn't find the event, unless I dreamt it of course! It might have been a cheese dream!!!

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Funniest moment for me but probably not for yourself was the live stream where you played lightning roulette and the ball landed beside your number and the stream just stopped, pure emotion from yourself and I think we all felt your pain

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