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Still can't really believe it guys! I don't know what to say. A few people have said that 2 euro is lower than what I have been playing for most of the year - but I actually LOVE this. 2euro is £1.70 and I think that is a relatable stake for a lot of people. I'm sure most of us have had a few plays on £1/2 over the years - and to see this major LIFE CHANGING money being paid out is actually really refreshing! I just want to thank everyone in the community for all the support! I do know all the people that are there regularly and I want you to all know, even if I miss your messages in the busy chat sometimes, I really appreciate you all being there every week 😊19 points
Today sees the release of Volatile Vikings, and to celebrate - we're teaming up with Relax Gaming to offer Forum members to win CASH. We are going to be doing 8 x €100 Bonus Buys on Volatile Vikings, and giving the return on each to a randomly selected commenter on this thread. This will take place live during our Sunday Stream on the 26th of September. To enter, just comment below with your favourite game from Relax Gaming! General site Terms and Conditions apply. One entry per person / IP address. Money to be paid via bank transfer. Hideous Slots reserve the right to change or withdraw this giveaway at any time.16 points
Yes we got an email back from YouTube for the appeal to say they found the channel hasn’t broken any Community Guidelines. Happy Monday!14 points
Long term viewers will know that I set up Hideous Slots in association with my long term friend 2jags, and will also remember that he stopped being part of the streams just under a year ago. Recently I've talked about him having some ongoing health issues and having been in hospital, and we had lots of lovely messages from well-wishers. Whilst I want to respect his privacy, I also want to let the audience know that he has stopped being actively involved in the business in anything more than a shareholder capacity, and that the work he was doing (dealing with Casinos and advertising), has been taken over by Josh and Jamie from Fruity Slots. It is too much work for just me to try and take care of this, whilst also streaming and producing content and over the last year or so I've become friends with them both. I met them in London last week for drinks and to discuss moving things on. This has now been solidified with them and 2jags making a deal which involves them being involved in the company, having purchased part of the company from him. The deal is purely between those three and doesn't affect me in any way, other than freeing up my time even further. This deal also leaves me as director and in charge of making decisions for the channel and business. Joe and I are still best mates and I speak to him all the time. He is also still very motivated for the channel to succeed. Please no questions about his health or personal circumstance - he has always been a very private person and whilst I'm very open with my personal life - I won't make any further comment on his situation. From a point of view of content, nothing changes and we still remain a unique and independent channel and business. I (Will / Hideous) am still responsible for 50% of the money we are gambling and there is a private relationship between the three of them for the remainder of the cash at risk. The motivation here is for me to be free to produce content and stream, and not be spending all day talking to Casino managers. Looking forward to carrying on as normal - with a little bit more free time to do Hot Tub streams!13 points
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This forum is intended to be a place to meet people, make friends, and discuss the topics you would like, even if not gambling related. We intend for this to be a place where open and honest discussions can take place, but we must still enforce some basic rules. Everyone should feel welcome, and safe, and as such we politely ask any members to stick to the following rules: Forums: Please post in the correct forum. Each Forum is clearly labelled with a description of the posts that are appropriate within it. A search function is available within the Forum, and Recent Posts are available, so please check if the topic you would like to discuss is being discussed elsewhere before starting a new thread. If someone has started a thread, please respect the topic they have chosen rather than derailing the conversation to a new discussion. If you do post a thread, please use an appropriate title so users can understand what is appropriate to discuss underneath. Please do not repeatedly post the same information. Please do not advertise for commercial gain within this Forum without asking first for permission. Permission can be granted by emailing [email protected] or [email protected], or by contacting an Administrator by Private Message. Content: Anything that is abusive, threatening, or discriminates against anyone on the basis of race, sexual orientation, gender, age, or disability will be immediately removed and the comment author will be removed from the Forum. Please do not post any inappropriate material, such as obscene or vulgar links, images, or videos. Whilst we do respect free speech, and the freedom to post the topics and opinions you would like to discuss, we ask that every member of the forum is respected, and members refrain from libellous posts. Please do not harass anyone within the Forum. If a member is seen to be repeatedly targeting another member with negative feedback and posts, their account may be suspended. Any statements posted will not be done so on an unsubstantiated basis. We ask that any statements, accusations, or thoughts presented as "facts", particularly anything offensive, is not done so without proof. You may criticise other members', or their viewpoints, but you will do so in a constructive and polite manner. Legal: Please do not post copyrighted material, including content from other Forums. You must also not take content from this Forum to another. Any member who is seen to be encouraging other members to deliberately flout T&Cs of casinos, or abuse offerings such as Welcome Bonuses, will be removed from the Forum. Similarly, anyone seen to be encouraging other members to commit fraud, both in general and on online casino accounts, will be removed from the Forum. Privacy: Respect members' privacy, and do not post any private information of another member ever. This can include, but is not limited to, full names, addresses, email addresses, and employment information. Any private messages sent between members of the Forum should remain private, and should not be posted without permission from both parties. Trolling/Spamming: Any profiles seen to be repeatedly trolling other members of the Forum, or spamming various threads, will be removed from the Forum. If your profile has been removed, and you feel this was done incorrectly, please do not create another account without contacting an Administrator first. Administrators can be found within the Staff Area of the Forum. If an account is removed due to inappropriate behaviour, and the account is a duplicate, both accounts belonging to the individual acting inappropriately will be removed. Responsibility: You must not post anything that promotes or encourages gambling within the Responsible Gambling Forum. This Forum is for users struggling with their gambling habits, or users that have already made positive steps towards their new future, and this should be treated with the utmost respect. If someone tells you they are struggling with their gambling, or considering signing up to a service to stop gambling, you should treat this with the confidence it deserves, and should not encourage them to continue gambling. General: Any threads, or individual posts that do not follow these rules will be removed from the Forum. No Duplicate accounts are allowed. Any individuals repeatedly in breach of these rules may be contacted by a Moderator or Administrator, or the profile in question may be removed. We will operate a 3 strike policy, unless the first strike is a severe breach mentioned above, wherein the profile can be removed immediately. Moderators have been chosen to oversee these rules on the Forum, and will apply their own common sense and discretion to anything they deem to be an issue. If any Moderators, or Administrators contact you to discuss your conduct or behaviour, you understand they do so having the final decision regarding your posting capabilities. If you feel that you have been treated unfairly, or have been stopped from posting unfairly, you can contact [email protected] or [email protected]. These rules have been put in place for the safety and happiness of every member on the Forum. If you continue to use this forum you agree to these rules, as stated in our website T&Cs, and we thank you for your understanding. The views and opinions expressed within this Forum, or any individual threads, do not represent the views of Hideous Slots.8 points
Winners were drawn tonight. Congrats guys. Message @Hideous or @2Jags with your details! 5 Mugs: @marcc79 @GemsC @Red Hound @peteww @LowStakeSlots 5 Posters: @iainthetaximan @richandbev @jmjcur2020 @westhamsam94 @Adejago 2 €/£25 Amazon Vouchers: @mattyspen14 @Kelly7 points
Ok winners are in! 1st place winning £50 is @Angry Slots with a guess of 3017, off by 26.85 2nd place winning a T-shirt is @Slots Ever After with a guess of 2910, off by 80.15 3rd place winning a T-shirt is @mattyspen14 with a guess of 2903.54, off by 86.61. Email [email protected] to sort the prize out 🙂7 points
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Hi everyone - the winners of this Giveaway have now been announced (anyone interested can watch the draw take place here) The winners are as follows: £300 - @mcgee473 £250 - @Macklan £200 - @Gaz Gray £150 - @azzafyi £130 - @Oddity £75 - @Gazfort £75 - @Tasker21 £50 - @jason.williamson £50 - @Nevillehallam £50 - @scoobysue19 £50 - @Kyser80 £30 - @Riseley987 £30 - @Emily £30 - @EdboySlots £30 - @NorwichLad Everyone who has won will have received an email from me ([email protected]) by now. Please check your Junk Email as some people have reported receiving their emails in Spam. If you have not received an email from me please send me a private message on here, or contact me at [email protected]. Thanks everyone for entering!6 points
Thanks everyone for entering. I'm sure most of you saw the stream, but if not here are the winners and the amounts they received: @Dale Harris - €163.30 @Dan_k - €48.20 @harveybald1615486283 - €5.40 (€25 guarantee) @Cookster147 - €81.50 @brumo - €10 (€25 guarantee) @slotbot123 - €86.30 @Stefkoo - €26.40 @Scott needham - €34.40 Will also then drew 7 winners to receive some Relax Gaming merchandise: @Kejiboy, @Sean berry, @Joshvee, @kyle2502, @dinx87, @Liam261995 and @luckywookie1. You'll be contacted here on the forum by @Hideous over the next couple of days to arrange prizes.6 points
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No one is interested in what you have to say. Literally no one. This is the problem with spending your time being an internet troll, you think people are trying to “cancel you” or silence you when in reality they just don’t want to listen to the extended rants of someone with a strangely personal agenda against someone they’ve never met. Freedom of speech is not freedom from the consequences of your speech. In your limited time on the forum you’ve said Will looks like an addict, called me a silly cow, called me fat, been rude to Charlie and Derek, made remarks about having a physical altercation with Will and now Chip, and called Low Stakes Slots “whoppers” for playing on low stakes. No one has the time or energy to read your deranged rants. You’re an adult. Act like one.6 points
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Hey guys - just wanted to draw your attention to an article I wrote a few weeks ago, titled Honesty Should Be The Only Policy. If you haven't read it yet I would encourage it, as it discusses what I think are some really important factors of being in control of your gambling. It's important to always be honest with your friends/family, about the wins and the losses. Sometimes the outsider's perspective can help you see if things are maybe going in a direction they shouldn't - for example if you have chosen to chase your losses and it has paid off, a friend or family member could be the one to draw attention to that fact that although you got lucky, was it the right decision to begin with? If you ever need someone to talk to you can message me, and if you feel like things are starting to feel a little out of your control remember you can utilise the options available on your accounts, including Time Outs, Curfews, and Deposit Limits. The option for GAMSTOP and GamBan also remain, as long term options (6 months plus). Ollie also added some helpful links last night in this forum, and phone numbers: Available here Read the article here6 points
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Great question, and in short the answer is yes, if you're successful. The problem streamers face is getting to a point where you've built enough of a following so that people want to help and use your links. This usually takes a long time, and being able to afford the loses and costs up to that point is a big factor. The amount we receive in affiliation is relatively small compared to the amount we put through the slots each month. It's also something where the income and outgoings varies massively each month so we try to look at this with a long term view. Each slot we play can be hundreds up or down, and so over the month we can be thousands up or thousands down. Now the affiliation is similar in that the income fluctuates massively, however, you can't have a losing month - we never owe the casinos anything. We have good months and bad months, and the affiliation certainly does not always cover the loses. So the jeopardy is 100% real, just like when anyone plays. We hope that at some point the channel will grow and the affiliate income will exceed the expenditure every month, but at the moment this isn't the case. Some other channels will be performing much better, and others no doubt not so good. I'm sure with more effort we will get there, but i'd like to say thanks to you, and anyone else that has used our links for supporting us financially, and allowing us to continue to build the channel. We both very much appreciate it.6 points
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The winners of this Giveaway are as follows: £200 - @dinx87 £150 - @Batcarl £120 - @Charlieace £75 - @Hey Mo £75 - @Gaz Gray £50 - @Carver118 £50 - @Pauline.g £50 - @NorwichLad £50 - @Katiek182 £30 - @Polarisedperplexed £30 - @markbuck £30 - @Shanormous £30 - @TavernMasterAndy £30 - @Macklan £30 - @CMH1989 £30 - @dickincider We do know there were only 15 prizes available, but we accidentally drew an extra £30 prize, so we will be honouring this prize. All winners have now been emailed. If you have not received your email, please check your Junk Mail. If you still cannot find it, please contact me at [email protected], or here on the Forum by private message. Thanks everyone5 points
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I must admit, I’ve found myself a little lost without watching Will on a Friday. I’ve had to resort to playing some slots myself!5 points
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This game has been good to me these are my best wins but ive had lots of wins over x75 in the Crimson Cash Bonus some poor ones too but to be fair on average it has paid me well 734x 990x and 1996x Good luck if you havn't tried this game yet, it can be tough to land the Crimson cash Bonus Bonus but can surprise you when it does it can also land in the Normal free spins bonus5 points
Well, I know we're all scattered over the world but I'd say for most of us we're seeing the end of Lockdown and the return to normality. Hopefully this is the return to the way things were and everyone can begin to move forward. How did everyone find Lockdown? I'll be honest I wasn't horribly affected by it - I work from home and don't really drink very often or go out, I'm happy to stay home and watch Netflix most nights 😅 I've also had my first vaccine dose now. The only way it really affected me was in how much I was able to see Will. Before Christmas we were able to fly back and forth in the odd weeks where restrictions were loosened, but since January I've only been able to see him twice for a week, which is infuriating when he's only 2 hours away! As we get to the end of Lockdown, is everyone comfortable with their gambling? I know a lot of people seemed to gamble more frequently, or potentially higher amounts during Lockdown. Truthfully, as long as you stay within your overall spending limits, I think it's up to us to decide where we're comfortable. None of us were able to pay to go out for meals, nights outs, holidays etc, so if you felt yourself spending that little bit extra gambling, as long as you had enjoyment in the midst of what was a very hard time, and didn't suffer, then I think that's fine. Be mindful now that Lockdown is ending though that we probably will all start spending more money in other areas of life again, so it's important not to pass those spending limits, and it's important not to pass up opportunities to see friends or family just to stay in and gamble that money - balance is important. If you feel that you have lost control during Lockdown, you worry how you'll manage moving forward, or you feel that you need someone to speak to you can visit BeGambleAware, check out GAMSTOP if you're in the UK, or you can message @Hideous or @2Jags or myself. Hope everyone has been ok over the past year, I know it's still not fully over but as I said, I think we are all starting to see the road to normality ahead and hopefully it won't be too much longer.5 points
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This post has been updated with the results for anyone who wants a nosey, Will went live again an hour ago to open the 20 on CasinoEuro. Both Golden Fish Tank and Bounty Pop paid so between them they paid €425 but not sure of the exact amount for each. I’ll go through all the guesses tomorrow to let everyone know the winners and tag them in!5 points
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It’s always enjoyable being part of the streams, but must thank you for the opportunities you give your community to win things.5 points
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@Gemma has made this video of Will. I loled 😂 WhatsApp Video 2021-04-21 at 13.51.12.mp45 points
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You've clearly never read Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. I don't think there is an issue with the promotion. Terms and Conditions are laid out clearly, and Responsible Gambling is a mindset - its not a blanket ban on Gambling. Also we have seen some example here already where people are adopting a responsible approach to the promotion. @Hey Mo is budgeting to enter the competition and this is a great example being set. We've not seen people farming the promotion to try and secure the 10k. Of course people can play more if they have more than disposable cash. Equally, someone could buy all the lottery ticket combinations if they wanted. We have two free to enter promotions running in this same week, that will feature from today alongside this promotion. Equally, I do free giveaways almost every week with Amazon vouchers, etc.4 points
After a good hit in the week I thought I would give Thor another go so just stuck in £50. Started off 60p got a bonus not bad about money back raised the stake to 80p and lost. Reloaded with £100 and raised to £1.20 played well but no bonus until Thor got his hammer out and put me just over money back. Thought I would just go for it so stuck it on £1.40 and it was really good hovering around the £100 mark then the bonus dropped in. I took 10 as I didn’t like the look of the gamble. Bonus started with Thor’s hammer on 1x so I was like ‘here we go’ but then on spin 6 he got his hammer out again and hit non premium, then it shifted over and hit Thor reels 1 2 and linked on 5 it started the big win screen and was going mental counted up to about 3 gibs and it crashed and chucked me off… I nearly shit myself when on the home screen and my balance was still £100. Quickly fired up the game and just got the end screen you’ve won £7000. That is my biggest win to date I am absolutely chuffed it was just a shame that I didn’t see it count all the way up.4 points
Casino Grounds day is finally upon us. Great to see Will starring!!! Gets better every time 🎉🎉🎉4 points
The following quote from Will the other night actually made me flat out laugh! Commenting on a crap bonus on Immortal Romance "Oh my god, it was so bad she didn't even get to sing the chorus!" Absolutely priceless4 points
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